Email marketing your business online

I’m a freelance email marketing expert, I’m going to tell you about Email Marketing and how it can be a valuable tool for marketing your business.

Use your Email Footer effectively

Firstly I can’t stress this enough (this is true for all emails), make sure you have your details in the email footer. Your phone number , website address, social media profiles (if you use them for business). This way the customer / prospective customer can easily contact you and/or browse your website and so on.

Effective Email Content for marketing

I’m a big fan of sending out emails that are interesting and useful for the customer and prospective customer. I don’t like emails that just beg me to buy a product or service (they usually go straight in the trash, unless its from a person or brand that I really trust).

The newsletter is a great example of how you can give people something interesting/useful that they will read. Get customers to sign up to your newsletter on your website (and email others you think might be interested to build your list). Then you can use your newsletter to market to them.  For example if your business is decorating you could send out useful tips in your newsletter like ‘How to prepare your walls for painting for a great finish’. There are many outcomes of sending this out to your email list:

1. Some will not read it and trash it

2. Some people will think ‘hey this guy knows what he’s doing’ and will need some painting done (there’s a good chance they will contact you to buy).

3. Others will read find useful but not need painting, this builds your brand with this person, sure they don’t buy now but there’s a good chance they will recommend you to others , and maybe buy in the future.

Using Email services such as Mailchimp

Once your email list grows it can be very useful to use email services such as Mailchimp and Constant contact as they have many features that will make your life a lot easier (and many more useful features also). Things like:

  • automated list user management
  • quality email templates that you flesh in with your content.
  • analytics to see who’s reading (and what) and who’s not. Very useful to see whats popular and whats not.

If you need a freelance email marketing expert to help you start email marketing contact me for a chat.

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