Web Design how to grow your business

Its nearly the end of the year so I’ve decided to look at what I’ve done this year to grow my web design business and what I can do to grow my web design business next year.

First a little background, at the start of the year one of my main clients went out of business. I was heavily reliant on this client (very much a case of all my eggs in one basket), this severely affected my income.

1. Increase your client base (to grow your business)

This year my aim was to increase my web design client base.  I have been trying out different ways to gain new clients see my article ( I found SEO to be the most effective way to get new clients contacting me by finding my website, the result being I gained about 15 new clients this year).

2. Sell to your existing clients

Its much easier to sell to existing clients than new clients as you already have a relationship with your clients and they know you are good at your job.

In the past I’ve just let the work roll in from my one main client (who had an endless stream of ongoing work). However many of my new clients want a website and the odd bit of work here and there (no more everlasting stream of income). In the new year my aim is to sell more to my existing clients (but sell things that are useful to them, for example looking at each clients site and seeing what useful things I could add or improve).

  • online booking or other useful forms
  • installing useful plugins (like a good SEO plugin)
  • user login areas for customers (e.g. a photographer I do work for wants this so customers can login and view their photos)

3. Develop monthly packages (recurring income streams)

This year I’ll develop products and services that will be beneficial to my clients but will also give me a recurring monthly income from my clients. Some of the ideas for packages I have include the following:

  • Maintenance and upgrades to WordPress sites
  • SEO
  • Adword campaigns
  • Social Media campaigns
  • Email marketing

So there you have it that’s the plan for the next year. I’ll post an update or a new article later in the year to let you know how  I’m getting on.

Feel free to follow my example to grow your business.

2 thoughts on “Web Design how to grow your business”

    • thanks Boom,

      glad you enjoyed the post. Your absolutely right, its that simple forfill your clients needs.

      Sorry its taken so long to get back to you (I missed your comment, to tell the truth).


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