In this post I’ll show how to set up docker containers with nginx reverse proxying to 2 different web servers (apache and apache tomcat). All setup with one docker compose file. Very handy for running on one machine for development , to simulate what you might have running on multiple machines in your production environment.
This is abit of bare bones example, I’m not going to setup SSL or go into any rewrite rules in any great detail.
So with out further ado. We need 3 files:
yoursites.conf ( nginx config, it doesn’t have to be called yoursites.conf, just something .conf)
Dockerfile ( not strictly needed I’ve added some bits handy for debugging )
Docker compose file
version: "3.7" services: proxy-server: container_name: nginx-proxy build: . hostname: # you can map this in hosts file image: nginx ports: - 8080:80 volumes: # nginx proxy config ( put the file yoursites.conf in this dir ) - ./nginx-config:/etc/nginx/conf.d restart: unless-stopped networks: - proxy-test-net ################# web server to proxy to ############################## web: container_name: webtest # use this hostname internally for networking instead of the internal dynamic ip address hostname: bobsgreatserver image: httpd:2.4 ports: ########### as we're on the same docker network, nginx will connect on port 80 - 8082:80 restart: unless-stopped networks: - proxy-test-net anotherweb: container_name: justanotherwebserver hostname: someotherserver image: tomcat ports: ########### network internally access on port 8080 - 8084:8080 restart: unless-stopped networks: - proxy-test-net networks: proxy-test-net: driver: bridge
Nginx config (yoursites.conf)
server { listen 80; listen [::]:80; server_name; location / { # use the internal network port (docker), and the hostname from the docker compose ( as internal ip address is dynamic and can change) proxy_pass http://bobsgreatserver:80; }location /tomcat { proxy_pass http://justanotherwebserver:8080; } }
Dockerfile for nginx
With some stuff added to help debugging
FROM nginx RUN ["apt-get", "update"] RUN ["apt-get", "install", "-y", "vim"] RUN ["apt-get", "install", "-y", "iputils-ping"] RUN ["apt-get", "install", "-y", "wget"]
So with all the above setup (and Docker installed of course).
Run this command on the cmd line:
docker compose up
Then hit the servers to see them, eg going to will send you to apache server and going to, will send you to apache tomcat.