Recently I wanted to use my Java Tomcat Docker image on AWS to run a spring boot app.
I looked at the various ways of setting this up ECS (Elastic Container), and found it to be a load of hassle ( for what I needed , I don’t need Kubernetes style functionality , just a one server for messing about with ).
I found the most straight forward way todo this is:
- setup an EC2 instance
- with latest AMI Linux operating system
- sudo yum install docker
- put Dockerfile / compose file in place
- sudo service docker start
- then standard docker commands ( so much easier ), to run your app / stack
- open the relevant port in AWS portal ( eg 80 , 443 )
- hit the DNS name of the server and you’ll see your app
check out this article:
how to install docker-compose
excellent blog on how to install letsencrypt SSL cert on docker tomcat