Handy Woocommerce SQL queries

This post is just a place to store handy SQL queries for Woocommerce.

Get Order and all its information

    p.ID as order_id,
    wp_posts p 
    join wp_postmeta pm on p.ID = pm.post_id
    join wp_woocommerce_order_items oi on p.ID = oi.order_id
    post_type = 'shop_order' and
    p.ID = 14223

Generate an Orders report and specific information about the orders (eg things like order date, shipping address etc)

   p.ID as order_id,
    wp_posts p 
    join wp_postmeta pm on p.ID = pm.post_id
    join wp_woocommerce_order_items oi on p.ID = oi.order_id
    post_type = 'shop_order' 
    and p.id > 50457
    and pm.meta_key in (    
        group by p.id, pm.meta_key



Get Users and billing and shipping addresses in Woocommerce

SELECT u.id, u.user_login, u.user_email, 

max( CASE WHEN m.meta_key = 'billing_email' and u.ID = m.user_id THEN m.meta_value END   ) as billing_email,

    max( CASE WHEN m.meta_key = 'billing_first_name' and u.id = m.user_id THEN m.meta_value END ) as billing_first_name,
    max( CASE WHEN m.meta_key = 'billing_last_name' and u.id = m.user_id THEN m.meta_value END ) as billing_last_name,
    max( CASE WHEN m.meta_key = 'billing_address_1' and u.id = m.user_id THEN m.meta_value END ) as billing_address_1,
    max( CASE WHEN m.meta_key = 'billing_address_2' and u.id = m.user_id THEN m.meta_value END ) as billing_address_2,
    max( CASE WHEN m.meta_key = 'billing_city' and u.id = m.user_id THEN m.meta_value END ) as billing_city,
    max( CASE WHEN m.meta_key = 'billing_state' and u.id = m.user_id THEN m.meta_value END ) as billing_state,
    max( CASE WHEN m.meta_key = 'billing_postcode' and u.id = m.user_id THEN m.meta_value END ) as billing_postcode,
    max( CASE WHEN m.meta_key = 'shipping_first_name' and u.id = m.user_id THEN m.meta_value END ) as shipping_first_name,
    max( CASE WHEN m.meta_key = 'shipping_last_name' and u.id = m.user_id THEN m.meta_value END ) as shipping_last_name,
    max( CASE WHEN m.meta_key = 'shipping_address_1' and u.id = m.user_id THEN m.meta_value END ) as shipping_address_1,
    max( CASE WHEN m.meta_key = 'shipping_address_2' and u.id = m.user_id THEN m.meta_value END ) as shipping_address_2,
    max( CASE WHEN m.meta_key = 'shipping_city' and u.id = m.user_id THEN m.meta_value END ) as shipping_city,
    max( CASE WHEN m.meta_key = 'shipping_state' and u.id = m.user_id THEN m.meta_value END ) as _shipping_state,
    max( CASE WHEN m.meta_key = 'shipping_postcode' and u.id = m.user_id THEN m.meta_value END ) as _shipping_postcode

FROM wp_users u
LEFT JOIN wp_usermeta m
ON  u.ID = m.user_id
group by u.ID

this bit of sql is based on this post at http://codecharismatic.com/

Get Order Objects (not strictly sql, but seems a good place to drop it)

    global $woocommerce;						
    $args = array(  'post_type'=> 'shop_order', 
                    'post_status' => 'publish', 
                    'posts_per_page' => -1, 
                    'tax_query' => array(  
                                            array(  'taxonomy' => 'shop_order_status',
                                                    'field' => 'slug',
                                                    'terms' => array('processing')
    $orders = array();

    $loop = new WP_Query( $args );						
    while ( $loop->have_posts() ) : $loop->the_post(); 

        	$order_id = $loop->post->ID;								
                $order = new WC_Order($order_id);
                echo "id order = ".$order_id;
                $orders[] = $order;
    return $orders;


5 thoughts on “Handy Woocommerce SQL queries”

  1. Hey,

    Thanks for the info. After using the 1st query to get an order and all of its information, how would you be able to export it into a sql file to import it to a new database? When I try to export it, sql is not an option. I’m assuming it’s because the query comes back with “current selection does not contain a unique column. Grid edit, checkbox, Edit, Copy and Delete features are not available.”


    • hi Dana,

      not sure I understand properly, you should be able to export the results from most mysql guis ( you can from phpmyadmin).

  2. Hi,
    Are you able to direct me to the table/field I can find the delivery notes left by the customer at the checkout to add to the shipping information export?
    Ive been through the wpjs_comments, wpjs_postmeta etc and just can’t work out where it is going?


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